In the Rhino Health FCP, a Dataset is an immutable representation of a collection of data points associated with a specific project. Each Dataset is owned by a Workgroup, such that the data is stored in the Rhino Client for that Workgroup (behind the institutional firewall), and only aggregate information such as summary statistics is stored in the Rhino Cloud.
- Every Dataset has a unique name and version combination, as well as a unique identifier (UID).
- A Dataset may include tabular data, file data, or a combination of both. The FCP supports files of any format within a Dataset, however, there is additional functionality built into the FCP for DICOM files.
- Every Dataset is associated with a Data Schema, which describes the format in which the data is organized within the Dataset (e.g., features, data types, units, schema-level permissions, etc.).
Key Components of a Dataset
- Name: The name of the defined Dataset. All Datasets within the platform must have a unique name and version combination
- Description (Optional): The description of the Dataset
- Version(s): The version of the Dataset. After creating the initial Dataset you are able to edit the existing Dataset configuration and create a new version instead of creating a whole new Dataset
- Data Schema: The Data Schema that was used when importing the particular version of the Dataset
- Date Created: The date the Dataset was created
- Number of Rows: The number of rows that were imported from the tabular, DICOM, and/or file data
- Source: The creator of the Dataset version
- UUID: The unique identifier for a specific Dataset version within the Rhino FCP
- Data: The underlying tabular data that defines the cohort. This can be simply a list of DICOMs, filenames, or a CSV-style data table that contains multiple variables
- Secure Access List: A list that defines access you have been granted to a Collaborator's remote Dataset or access you have granted in your Dataset to your Collaborators. For more information about Collaborators or Secure Access, please refer to What is a Collaborator? or What is Secure Access? respectively
- Import a New Dataset or Dataset Version: Create a new Dataset or new version of an existing Dataset
- Viewing a Dataset's Configuration: Viewing the configuration that was provided while importing a specific Dataset
- Copying a Dataset's UUID: Copy a Dataset's Rhino FCP UUID for use with the Rhino SDK
- Viewing Dataset Analytics: Viewing a single or multiple Datasets' analytics side by side within the same interface. To view multiple Datasets' analytics at the same time, the Datasets must have the same Data Schema defining them.
- Viewing All Secure Access Lists for All of Your Datasets: View all lists that either grant you access to one of your collaborator's Datasets or all Datasets that you have granted your collaborators access to
- Viewing and/or Annotating a Dataset's Tabular Data: Viewing and/or annotating the raw tabular data that underpins a Dataset. The annotation process can happen within the auto-generated __Notes__ column that gets added to every schema and subsequently included in every Dataset.
- Viewing and/or Annotating DICOM Data using the Built-in OHIF Viewer: The ability to view and/or annotate DICOM image data using the built-in OHIF viewer. Files must be defined as DICOM Studies, Series, or Instances within the Data Schema in order for this functionality to be available
- Viewing All Secure Access Lists for Your Specific Dataset: View all lists that either grant you access to a specific collaborator's Dataset or all data lists within a single Dataset that you have granted your collaborators access to
- Exporting a Dataset: Export an existing Dataset from the FCP to your Rhino Client Server. Datasets can only be exported to the Rhino Client belonging to the workgroup that owns them.
- Removing a Dataset Version: Remove a Dataset version from the project.
Below are a series of screenshots that detail how you can interact with Datasets within the Rhino FCP
Main Datasets Page
The main interface for initiating the creation of a Dataset.
Importing a New Dataset From the Rhino Client Filesystem
For more information about creating a new cohort from the Rhino Client filesystem, please refer to Importing a New Dataset or Dataset Version.
Importing a New Dataset From a DICOM Server
For more information about creating a new Dataset from a DICOM server, please refer to Importing a New Dataset or Dataset Version.
Importing a New Dataset Version
For more information about creating a new Dataset version, please refer to Importing a New Dataset or Dataset Version.
Viewing Dataset Analytics
For more information about viewing Dataset analytics, please refer to Viewing Dataset Analytics.
Viewing All Secure Access Lists for All of Your Datasets
For more information about viewing all secure access lists for all of your cohorts, please refer to Viewing Dataset Secure Access Lists.
Viewing a Dataset's Tabular Data
For more information about viewing a cohort's tabular data, please refer to Viewing and/or Annotating a Dataset's Tabular Data.
Viewing & annotating DICOM image data within the built-in OHIF viewer
For more information about the built-in OHIF viewer for viewing & annotating DICOM image data, please refer to Viewing & Annotating Dataset Image Data within the Built-in OHIF Viewer.
Viewing All Secure Access Lists for Your Specific Dataset
For more information about viewing all secure access lists for your specific cohort, please refer to Viewing Dataset Secure Access Lists.