Adding pixel-level annotations on DICOM:
- To annotate a Dataset from your workgroup, open the integrated OHIF DICOM viewer from the tabular viewer by clicking on your Dataset of interest in the Datasets view, then clicking the DATA tab, then clicking the DICOM UID for your study, series, or instance of interest.
- To annotate a Dataset from a different workgroup, open the tabular viewer by clicking the relevant Secure Access List, then click on the DICOM UID for your study, series, or instance of interest.
- DICOM visualization and annotation via the Rhino FCP is facilitated by an integrated version of the Open Health Imaging Foundation (OHIF) viewer, which comes equipped with standard tooling for visualization and manipulation of DICOM images.
- Annotation types supported:
- Rectangle
- Line/Length
- Arrow
- Angle
- Ellipse
- To add a pixel-level annotation to a DICOM file, open the file using the OHIF viewer, select your preferred annotation, and create your annotation on the image. To save the annotation(s), click on Measurements -> Save measurements.
- Important: Saving an annotation on the OHIF viewer will create a new DICOM SR file which references the original DICOM file and produce a new Dataset version. When this happens, the platform will automatically make all previous versions inactive (and invisible to the user) except the original V.0 and any other version that is already associated with a specific Code Run.