What is an Interactive Container Code Object?

Exploring Interactive Container Code

In the realm of the Rhino Health Federated Computing Platform (FCP), Interactive Container Code opens the door to a unique dimension of computation. This Code Object type empowers you to run pre-built container images that include interactive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or applications. With Interactive Containers, you can execute third-party tools, visualizations, and even Jupyter Notebooks directly on your on-premises data, enhancing interactivity while preserving data security.


Key Attributes of Interactive Container Code:

  • Interactive GUIs: Unlike other Code Objects, Interactive Containers enable you to execute containers with interactive graphical user interfaces. This facilitates real-time interaction and data visualization within the FCP environment.
  • On-Premises Interaction: Interactive Containers offer the capability to interact with on-premises data while leveraging the computational power of the FCP. This integration is particularly useful for scenarios where data remains within internal networks.
  • Third-Party Applications: With Interactive Container Code Objects, you can run third-party applications that are containerized and can be executed within the FCP ecosystem, with no need to install them at each site. 
    Important note: This capability is limited to third-party applications that can run within a single Linux-based container with no internet connectivity. 


Use Cases of Interactive Containers:

  • Real-Time Data Exploration: Utilize interactive visualizations and tools to explore and analyze on-premises healthcare data within the FCP ecosystem.
  • Third-Party Applications: Run containerized third-party applications such as medical image annotation tools or specialized analysis software.
  • Collaborative Workshops: Conduct collaborative workshops or training sessions that involve hands-on exercises and interactive activities.


Benefits of Interactive Containers:

  • Interactive Experience: Gain the ability to interact with GUIs and applications in real-time, fostering dynamic exploration of your data.
  • On-Premises Compatibility: Execute containerized applications on your on-premises data while utilizing the computational resources of the FCP.
  • Secure Collaboration: Enable secure collaboration by running third-party tools and applications within the FCP environment, ensuring data privacy.



In summary, Interactive Containers offer an innovative pathway to engage with interactive graphical interfaces and applications within the Rhino Health FCP. By merging on-premises data with containerized interactivity, you can delve deeper into data exploration, collaboration, and visualization while maintaining the highest levels of security and privacy.


Key Components of an Interactive Container


  1. Name: The name of the defined Interactive Container
  2. Description (Optional): The description of the Interactive Container
  3. Version(s): The version of the Code. After creating the initial Code Object you can edit the existing Code and create a new version instead of creating a whole new Code
  4. Date Created: The date the Code version was created
  5. Runs: The number of times the Code version has been run and produced a Code Run. Note: If you delete a Code Run for a Code Object, the number of runs will also be reduced by the number of Code Runs you delete
  6. Latest Run (UTC): The timestamp of the latest run in the UTC timezone for the particular Code version
  7. Input Data Schema: The input data schema that was defined when creating the particular Code version
  8. Output Data Schema: The output data schema that was defined when creating the particular Code version
  9. Creator:  The creator of the Code version
  10. UUID:  The unique identifier for a specific Code version within the Rhino FCP
  11. Code Type: The type of Code that has been defined during creationInteractive Container
  12. Container: The Docker container used when creating the Code. This could come from under the section Workgroup Images if you pushed to your workgroups ECR or under the section Rhino Health Images if you are using a stock Rhino Health provided container image



  1. Creating New Interactive Container Code or Code Version: Create a new Interactive Container Code or new version of an existing Code Object
  2. Viewing an Interactive Container's Configuration: Viewing the configuration that was provided while creating a specific Interactive Container
  3. Running Interactive Containers: Running a specific version of a certain Interactive Container
  4. Removing an Interactive Container or Interactive Container Version: Delete a single version or an entire Interactive Container



Below are a series of screenshots that detail how you can interact with Interactive Container within the Rhino FCP


Main Code Page

Models Main Page.png

The main interface for initiating the creation of an Interactive Container.


Creating a New Interactive Container

Create a Model-Interactive Container.png

For more information about creating a new interactive container, please refer to Creating a New Interactive Container or Version.


Creating a New Interactive Container - Selecting Your Container Image

Create a Model-Interactive Container-ECR Images.png

For more information about selecting your container image while creating a new interactive container, please refer to Creating a New Interactive Container or Version.


Running an Interactive Container

Run Interactive Container Model.png

For more information about running an interactive container, please refer to Running Interactive Containers.


A Running Interactive Container Example of the 3D Slicer Container

Interactive Container Model.png

For more information about what a running an Interactive Container, please refer to Running Interactive Containers.


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