Running a Code Object within the Rhino FCP UI
Navigate to the Code Page
Use the left-hand navigation menu to click the Code (formerly Models) menu item
Run Your Code Object
Run your Code Object by pressing the Run button in the specific row of the Code & Version your would like to run
Enter your Run Details
If your code object has a single input and a single output schemas
Fill in the following fields within the new Code Run configuration window (these steps are the same for the Python Snippet, Standalone File, and Upload File(s) options):
- Input Dataset(s): One or more Datasets to be used as input to your Code Run. If multiple Datasets are selected, each will be run separately. If a Dataset happens to be a collaborator's Dataset, the code will be run on that collaborator's Rhino Client. In other words, the data never moves outside your collaborator's Rhino Client
- Output Dataset Naming Template: A template to define the name of the output Dataset that will be created during your Code Run. The following variables can be used for creating a dynamic name: {{workgroup_name}}, {{workgroup_uid}}, {{code_object_name}}, {{input_dataset_names.n}} where n is the dataset number, and {{input_sal_names.n}}.
- Timeout in Seconds: The number of seconds that must elapse before a Code Run is automatically halted. This is to avoid zombie tasks that run perpetually within a Rhino client.
- Run Parameters (Optional): Here you can paste a JSON object that defines additional parameters to be provided to your Code Run. This can be used for specifying hyper-parameters for model validation or any parameter provided to the code. Run parameters are made available to the container code in a file located at "/input/run_params.json". See more detail how to in How to pass to and use parameters in your code?
- [NEW] Run Secrets (Optional): Here you can paste a JSON object that defines additional secret parameters to be provided to your Code Run. This can be used for specifying encryption keys or other secrets that will not be persisted after code run. These secrets are made available to the container code in a file located at "/input/secret_run_params.json".
- See how more detail how to in How to pass to and use parameters in your code?
- [NEW] Include Files from External Storage (Optional): Select any external files that you want to use within your code. This allows to use the same code object with different files, specially if these files are large, such as different LLM models. Please see How to use external files at run time? for more details.
If your code object has a more than one input or one output schemas
When your code object has multiple input and/or output schemas, you have to define the following additional fields:
- Workgroup and input datasets: The workgroup and input dataset(s) to run your code on.
- Add Workgroup: If you want to run the code object in more than one workgroup, this button allows you to input additional workgroups and corresponding datasets.
- Output naming template: If your code object has more than one output data schema define, here you input the output naming template for each output dataset.
Additional Fields for Code Type
Depending on the type of Code Object you are trying to run, you will be prompted with additional fields to complete. Follow the links below to finish the creation of your Code Run:
- Running a Python Code Object
- Running a Generalized Compute Code Object
- Running an Interactive Container Code Object
- Running an NVFlare Code Object
NOTE: If you have received an error or run into any issues throughout the process, please reach out to for more assistance.