Configuring your Environment

Installing the Dependencies

  1. The following dependencies must be installed into your local development environment in order to be able to push code to the ECR:
  2. Additionally, you will need to follow the steps below to ensure the ECR Credential Helper is properly installed and configured:
  3. Ensure that the following command can run and its version is at least 0.7.0.
> docker-credential-ecr-login -v
  1. If the version is too old, an error is displayed, or nothing at all you will need to follow steps 4 - 9 to uninstall the AWS ECR Credentials Helper and install the latest version:
  2. Download the most recent executable for your platform from the GitHub releases page
  3. Make it executable:
chmod +x ./docker-credential-ecr-login
  1. Copy it to an appropriate location on your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin/)
  2. If needed, change its owner:
sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-ecr-login
  1. Edit the ~/.docker/config.json file and add "credsStore": "ecr-login" to the top-level JSON, as shown below.  If ~/.docker/config.json does not exist or is empty, create the file and add the following:
    "credsStore": "ecr-login"

For more details, refer to this section of the Amazon ECR Docker Credential Helper GitHub documentation.



Logging into the Rhino FCP

Rhino Health FCP Login Page

To log into the Rhino FCP, navigate to in your web browser.  There are currently three different ways to login to the FCP:

  1. Username & Password
    • If this is your first time logging into the platform, you will be required to change your password from the temporary one sent to you during onboarding
    • Note: If you have not received your credentials or are not prompted to change your password, please contact
  2. Google Single Sign-on (SSO)
    • Click the button and follow the prompts to log in with your Google credentials
  3. Azure Single Sign-on (SSO)
    • Click the button and follow the prompts to log in with your Azure credentials

If you encounter any issues while attempting to log in, please contact


Navigating to your User Profile

  1. Log into the Rhino Health Federated Computing Platform, 2023-08-07 at 2.18.47 PM.png
  2. In the bottom left corner, you will see a circle with either your initials or your picture in it, click it to take you to your user profile.Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 4.14.38 PM.png


Retrieving your SFTP & ECR Credentials

  1. Within your user profile, you will find:
    • Rhino Client IP Address which is your SFTP Server Name/IP Address
    • SFTP Section, click Reveal Credentials to find your:Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 4.23.34 PM.png
      • SFTP Username:
        • Your SFTP Username will be in the top box, you can either copy it from the box or press the copy button to the left of the credential
      • SFTP Password:
        • Your SFTP Password will be in the bottom box, you can either copy it from the box or press the copy button to the left of the credential
    • ECR Section, click Reveal Credentials to find your:Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 4.25.07 PM.png
      • ECR Access Key ID:
        • Your ECR Access Key ID will be in the top box, you can either copy it from the box or press the copy button to the left of the credential
      • ECR Secret Access Key:
        • Click the Reveal Credentials button next to the ECR label
        • Your ECR Secret Access Key will be in the bottom box, you can either copy it from the box or press the copy button to the left of the credential
    • Workgroup ECR repository which is your ECR Workgroup

If any of your credentials are missing, please contact


Configuring your AWS CLI to be able to Push to your ECR

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt on your respective operating system. Type in the command 
aws configure
  1. The code block below shows what you will need to enter at each step of the prompt.
> aws configure
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json 
  • As a reminder of what each value should be:
    • AWS Access Key ID - The AWS Access Key ID from your FCP profile
    • AWS Secret Access Key - The AWS Secret Access Key from your FCP profile
    • Default region name - us-east-1
    • Default output format - json

NOTE: If you have received an error or run into any issues throughout the process, please reach out to for more assistance.

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